Summary of Publications

  n Impact faktor 2015
original publications 32 89,998
Reviews 11 18,625
Total publications 43 108,623
  n Impact faktor 2015
original publications 17 26,402
Reviews 6 3,977
Total publications 23 30,379

Publications Страница 1 из 4

57. Blood Rheology during normal Pregnancy
2018 in press. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2.215
P. Tsikouras3, B. Niesigk, G.-F. v. Tempelhoff1, W. Rath, O. Schelkunov, R Csorba

56. Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Risk Stratification of Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy and the Puerperium
2017;221:61-174. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 0,47
Tsikouras P, von Tempelhoff GF, Rath W.

55. Inherited thrombophilia and reproductive disorders.
2016;17:45-50. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc.
SA. Liatsikos, P. Tsikouras, B. Manav, R. Csorba, G.-F.v. Tempelhoff, G. Galazios.

54. Primary ovarian carcinoid tumors: effective management of a rare and challenging condition.
2016;71:214-5. Minerva Chir.
P Tsikouras, M Dimitraki,S Zervoudis, B Manav,A Liberis,G Galazios, G.-F.v. Tempelhoff.

53. Pharmacological Thromboprophylaxis during Pregnancy and the Puerperium: Recommendations from Current Guidelines and their Critical Comparison.
2016;220:95-105. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 0.483
W Rath , P Tsikouras , G.-F.v. Tempelhoff.

52. Correlation between blood rheological properties and Red Blood Cell Indices (MCH, MCV, MCHC) in healthy women.
2016;62:45-54. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. . 2.215
G.-F.v. Tempelhoff , P Tsikouras, W Rath, E Velten , R Csorba.

51. Features of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in adolescence.
2015;8:291-6. J Med Life. 0.83
P. Tsikouras, L. Spyros, B. Manav,S. Zervoudis, C. Poiana, T. Nikolaos, P. Petros, M. Dimitraki,C. Koukouli,G. Galazios, G.-F.v. Tempelhoff.

50. Thrombelastometric results and platelet function during pregnancy in women receiving low molecular weight heparin with a history of recurrent/late abortion - A retrospective analysis.
2015;61:99-110. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2.215
G.-F.v. Tempelhoff, Schelkunov O, Demirhan A, Tsikouras P, Rath W, Velten E, Csorba R.

49. Rheological, Hemostaseological changes during Immune therapy for prevention of HELLP-Syndrome in a patient with elevated Phospholipid antibodies.
2015; 60:123-31. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2.215
G.-F.v. Tempelhoff , Tsikouras P, Rath W, Velten E, Csorba R.

48. Rheologic results and their correlation to hemostatic changes in patients with moderate and severe preeclampsia: An observational cross-sectional study.
2015; 59:1-15. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 3.398
A.A. Soliman, R. Csorba, A. Yilmaz, P. Tsikouras, G.-F.v. Tempelhoff.

47. Correlation of rheological parameters in maternal and fetal blood.
2014; 25:1-8. J of Matern-Fet Neonat Med. 1.518
R Csorba, AA Soliman, Wieg C, Tsikouras P, Harnack H, Rath W, G.-F.v. Tempelhoff.

46. Uterine prolapse in pregnancy: risk factors, complications and management
2014;27:297-302. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 1.518
P. Tsikouras,A. Dafopoulos, N. Vrachnis,Z. Iliodromiti, S. Bouchlariotou, P. Pinidis, N. Tsagias, V. Liberis, G. Galazios, G.-F.v. Tempelhoff

45. Antiphopholipid antibodies and functional activated protein C resistance in breast cancer patients during anthracycline-based chemotherapy administered through an intravenous port-catheter device.
2014; 20:338-40. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 1.016
A.A. Soliman, R. Csorba, A. Ullrich, P. Tsikouras, W. Rath, G.-F.v. Tempelhoff.

44. The contribution of catumaxomab in the treatment of malignant ascites in patients with ovarian cancer: a review of the literature.
2013;288:581-5. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 1.68
P. Tsikouras, N. Tsagias, P. Pinidis, R. Csorba, N. Vrachnis, A. Dafopoulos, S. Bouchlariotou, A. Liberis, A.T. Teichmann, G.-F. v. Tempelhoff.

43. Rheological parameters in the umbilical cord blood in moderate and severe forms of preeclampsia.
2013; 55:391-401. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 0
R. Csorba, A. Yimaz, P. Tsikouras, C. Wieg, A.T. Teichmann, G.-F.v. Tempelhoff.

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